Saturday 18 May 2019

Morning Pages #53 Countdown

8:53am, I’m using the tea that comes with the Graze box. I need to make better use of those, I always forget they are there.
I’m watching 8 out of 10 cats does countdown. Watch this show has made me more interested in countdown, as a whole.
I used to watch it back when I watched TV on a TV. Back when I only watched TV, on a TV. Back when I watched channel four at 4am in the morning.
I have gotten better at the game. I used to only find words with four letters and on rare occasions words that have 5 letters. Now I stretch myself to words with 6 letters and rare occasions 7.

15 minutes, see you when I see you.

Morning Pages #52 Uniquely, extremely shy

9: 48am, just a guess.
I don’t know whether to make a cup of tea before I write this or not…just leave it.

I’ve been thinking about yesterday’s May myself and I prompt Black + White. My other idea, which I only thought of as I was traveling to class, was….um I don’t know what the word is (that’s going to be on my mind). It’s people’s thinking, like a lot of people think in Black or White. You’re either this or that and anything in between is alien. You’re either gay or you’re straight. You’re either breaking your back or you’re doing nothing (guess what that is about). Personally, I think that’s one of the route things that are wrong with the world. Not everyone fits into a box, I know I don’t.
I’m Black, tick.
I’m a woman, tick.
I’m a writer, tick.
I’m uniquely, extremely shy, where’s the box for that.
I think whilst they put a box for all the usual stuff, they should think about putting a box for mark unique, or maybe I’ll just add it myself.

12 minutes, see you when I see you.

Morning Pages #51

9: 39am, BTW, I’m just guessing the time. I’ve been guessing the time for the last few days. I don’t have my phone on me so it’s difficult. I could ask someone but for me morning pages is a quiet activity. I don’t have a tea on me, but I will be making one after I finish writing this.

I caught up with one poetry challenge yesterday, May myself and I. Just resilient to catch up on.

10 minutes, (again this is a guess) see you when I see you.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Morning Pages #50

9:51am, sitting in my progression class, just before it starts. I gave a women direction you may be thinking…

‘So, I do that all the time,’

This is the first time I have known exactly where the place is, I was able to give her clear instructions. I was going to make a cup of tea, but the cups were supposed to use were not available.

8 minutes, see you when I see you.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Morning Pages #49 Personal achievement

11am, I am so tired this morning.
This week is Progression, moving up.
I just spent 3 minutes starring at the first question in my book. A personal achievement that has affected your life.
I just wrote about something recent; the 30-day poem challenge I did in April. Because
{A} something I didn’t think I could do before that month.
{B} something I will use it in the future. Which is part 2 of the question.
The poem challenge, I’m doing next year will 100% be happening now.
14 minutes, see you when I see you

Monday 13 May 2019

Morning Pages #48 going to the cinema alone.

11: 47am, my phone stopped working I feel so empty without my music in the morning.

Let’s talk about going to the cinema alone.
I personally don’t mind it I would gladly go, no worries. It baffles me why there is such a taboo. The reason I bring it up is that they were discussing it in my class. Most people were saying it’s weird of which there were 4 of us.
The reason I’m OK with alone cinema trips is that I do most things alone so to going to the cinema alone is nothing.
I would recommend it.

10 minutes, see you when I see you

Morning Pages #47

12:25am, a cup of tea and a plate of spaghetti in front of me.

I didn’t watch an episode of EastEnders not just because it was the weekend, I forgot. I think I’ll wait till Monday and watch Monday’s episode. My phone stopped working again.

Tomorrow will be the third week of my course. I did the same course. I did the same one 8 months ago, but I didn’t finish it. It was meant to be 4 weeks, but I was there for 2. Even though I have 2 weeks to go I think I’m going to stay longer for 6 weeks maybe more.
29 minutes, see you when I see you

Saturday 11 May 2019

Morning Pages #46 Eastenders

 10: 22am, I’m watching Marlon Wayans stand up, The Wayans Bros, the best things in life are free, film (Mo’ money) I actually didn’t know he did comedy until I saw it on Netflix.

I recently came across an article for EastEnders, Lola, Lexi and Ben are back. I don’t know how old it is, because I didn’t check. To be honest I didn’t check because I don’t care enough. I haven’t watched EastEnders in months. The last time I watched EastEnders was on my birthday last year. Here’s the thing I don’t even remember what was in that episode. The last time I watched EastEnders, Mick was in prison (which I didn’t know why to be fair) and a slater was pregnant, don’t ask me a name because I just…I could look it up, but I don’t care.

Warning: This is my opinion, I am one person, this is the opinion of one person.
EastEnders is rubbish nowadays. I can say that because I’ve been watching EastEnders since the ’90s. The last straw was when Linda was ill, and she didn’t tell Mick. The only thing I kept thinking

‘Why didn’t she tell him,’

It’s like someone just said we need to explain why Linda has been gone for so long so let’s just put some storylines in a hat and used the first thing that came out.
EastEnders used to bring me joy…I know, yes EastEnders is miserable. I’ll let you into a little secret, we know it’s miserable and we don’t care. Personally, I liked hearing about the places I know and pass every day. That is not enough to keep me watching now.
I saw a clip of new ben on EastEnders for me he looks too different. No glasses, no hearing aid, what are you doing?
Ben without glasses is just another character to me.
You know what I’m going to watch an episode as soon as I finish writing this, maybe it’s changed since I last saw it. The few clips I’ve seen, I would say doubtful, but I’m going to give it a chance.
I usually dip in and out of EastEnders, and I keep up to date with storylines, not this time. The only thing I know is that Sean is back, and his mum has Cancer.

38 minutes, see you when I see you.

Friday 10 May 2019

Morning Pages #45 My interview

8:12am, doing this before my employability class. No morning pages yesterday because I was too busy worrying about my interview.

Which I didn’t need to, I wasn’t late, in fact, I was 30 minutes early. Overall the interview was great, and I am 100% glad I went.

When I come back from class today, I must make a start on the subtitles on my videos, my recent ones don’t have any. It’s probably one of the top reasons people don’t watch (top 5). I don’t want subtitles to be the reason people don’t watch (because I can only do so much with the sound right now) Subtitles is something I can sort out now, to help with the sound.
7 minutes, see you when I see you.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Morning Pages Day #44

9:26am, it’s 4 minutes to my employability class. There were no morning pages yesterday because I started at 11am and woke up at 10:30, I just couldn’t be bothered.

My interview for Shake shack is tomorrow. Trying not to worry about it, which is easy said than done. I’m just trying to think about it a step at a time. All I need to do is get to the interview on time. It’s good because the job doesn’t require any previous experiences or qualification.

14 Minutes, see you when I see you.

Monday 6 May 2019

Morning Pages #43

12:17am, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix, that show is amazing. No drink because the kettle is not working. I’ve been doing it old school by putting water in a pot on the cooker but I’m too la…I mean I can’t be bothered.

I have a day off from my course today that’s why it’s later than usual. Finally wrote the last poem for Escapril. I did end up writing a haiku, also managed to write day 3, day 4 and day 5 of resilient poems.  May myself and I day 5 and 6 to go.

30 minutes, see you when I see you                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Sunday 5 May 2019

Morning Pages #42

11:34am, spaghetti on the cooker because I was very hungry last night hence the reason why I’m very hungry this morning, Michael McIntyre’s comedy roadshow on Netflix.

I’ve had 0 inspiration writing the last Escapril. I think it’s because I’ve never heard that word before. It’s not because I don’t have the time clearly, I’ve written other poems. Like I said before when I saw it I knew I would struggle with it. I think I’m going to go with a haiku poem. By the time I write morning pages tomorrow this poem will be done.

11 minutes, see you when I see you.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Morning Pages #41

11: 57am, yea I had a great sleep, No drink, Family guy on my DVD player.

I have an interview on Thursday, which sounds like it’s a guaranteed job, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.

I haven’t got a video for YouTube this week, I’m going to have to use the video that has been on my camera for a long time.  Still, need to add subtitles to all videos.
I managed to write Day 1 and 2 of May, myself and I and Resilient poets. Day 3 and 4 of May, myself and I and resilient poets and day 30 of Escapril still to go (I will get to that one).

13 minutes, see you when I see you.

Friday 3 May 2019

Morning Pages #40 May challenges

8:08am, I’m writing this time before I go to class. Family guy on my DVD player. 

My teacher said she will let us go early today so I think I will be back here in 6 hours.
Update: I was back here in 6 hours exactly, when my class should have been finishing.

I’m doing two poem challenges this month. The resilient poets, day 1 is when I look in the mirror, day 2 is growth, day 3 is renewal, day 1 and 2 are done. And Carrie Hope Fletcher’s May myself and I. Day 1 is running, day 2 is stars. For resilient I think I might challenge myself by trying to write a poem style I haven’t done before. I’ve done acrostic and I’ve done haiku. So, the world is my Oyster.
For Carries one I decided to do acrostic poems for every (although I might change that because I’m struggling with it) 

Finally finished the poem for Escapril day 29, so now all I got to do is write day 30.
18 minutes, see you when I see you.

Thursday 2 May 2019

Morning Pages #39 Morning Pages 2.0

9:16am, writing this before my teacher comes.

I searched Morning Pages on Google again yesterday.

Number one: you have to do it in the morning, hence morning pages, duh. Yes, correct that’s what I do.

Number two: have a hot drink. Most of the time, but not always.

Number three write without editing. Yes, I do that.

Number four 3 pages of A4 pages. Uh…yea, I don’t think so.

Number five must be kept private. Well, that ship has sailed.

So I’m going to continue to do this until I get sick of it.

My version will be that I write before 1pm. I write as much as I feel like writing with whatever I feel like having at the time, hot drink or breakfast even a cold drink. Post it online no matter how many words even if it’s 60 words.

10 minutes, see you when I see you.

Ps: the first time I wrote and typed this up when I wasn’t at home (I’m in my Go train customer service lesson [at lunch)

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Morning pages #38 Home stretch

12:30am, I’m writing this on my lunch break (new course), I was late this morning because I woke up late. This is one of those things that are out of my control. Of course, there are things I can do to stop it happening e.g. (Going to bed early) once it has happened, I can’t rewind time so what’s the point in worrying. It’s kind of like the multiple questions and the answer is always wrong.

Still, haven’t written anything for Escapril Day 29 and 30. I tell a lie I have written something for day 29 (uncompleted) Don’t even get me started on the last one Catharsis??????????????????????????, I have no idea what that means. I knew when I first saw the list of prompts, this is one of the ones that was going to stump me. One of the ones I would have to go to google for, that was how I was going to handle this month, but I only had to do that for at least two others.
Just going to say, I’m 99% sure I’m doing that big project next year so much so that I made a page about it. Maybe I’ll share closer to December (or in December probably). Also, I need to write those two last poems by the end of the week.

35 minutes, see you when I see you.

Morning Page #269

 Woke at II: II today from a dream about my future hubby. I think the message was about standing still, and not chasing what I want. Lettin...