Monday 30 March 2020

Morning Pages #82

10:25 am, no nothing again today.

My mum is going overboard with her...uh...home remedies/ hacks for cleansing the home.  she's going to cook skins of fruits and inhale them. she put onion around the house. The latest is to wash everything in saltwater. The thing that's keeping me from saying what I'm  thinking from not saying this is ridiculous is she might be right.
Yes, I strongly don't think she is right, but I can't know for sure.

I was able to edit A YouTube video yesterday. One that I won't be posting for a while.
13 minutes, see you when I see you.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Morning pages #81

11: 03 am no nothing, I am watching Family Guy season 4.

We are in self-isolation, so I haven't left the house in a week (that's no different to if I wasn't in self-isolation, to be honest) I feel a little dear I say it....bored.

I need to use my time wisely. maybe I won't be able to finish this book, but I can make a dent in it. I've been thinking about my crush a lot recently (I never stop really) thinking about what his life is like now, what he's doing, how he is handling the isolation.

Overall, I feel happy about not being able (or more accurately not having to go out) because I'm not worried about the fact that I don't have a job or the fact I spend most of my time indoors. I'm not worried about the coronavirus, the only time I worry is when I reminded by the news, so I’ll just stay away from that.

12 minutes, see you when I see you.

Friday 13 March 2020

Morning pages #80

9: 10 am, no nothing because my mum is doing her daily live broadcast on Periscope. something I haven't got the bug off yet, I say yet because I feel like it's something I will get into as opposed to something I never will like Snapchat and tik T.O.K (never say never)

my second book has been sitting untouched for at least a week, so I need to get back to that. I am also doing my poem a day challenge for this year, so I have that on my mind as well.
I was thinking about what things I stopped doing that make my life better, of which I can think of 2 as I write this.

number one: I stopped comparing myself to others.

number 2: I don't feel the need to explain myself to others.
because everything happens for a reason, I guarantee my reason will mean nothing to you, but it means something to me and that's all that matters.

19 minutes, see you when I see you.     

Morning Page #269

 Woke at II: II today from a dream about my future hubby. I think the message was about standing still, and not chasing what I want. Lettin...