Saturday 31 August 2019

Morning Pages #61

It’s one of those can’t sleep days, in that I never went to bed and it’s 7:50 am …so…yea.

I’ve been thinking about my crush again, not really, I think I’m over him…ha, not. Thought about making myself some warm milk. Because I read somewhere…or maybe I saw it on a TV show once. I 100% saw it on a TV show more than once.

Quick Google search: doesn’t work and Google is never wrong…it might work for some people.

My birthday was officially 8days ago, I turned 35 and no I don’t feel any different.
9 minutes humm, see you when I see you.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Morning Pages #60 Oh this damn novel

Just checked the time and it’s 11:45am, so I decided I’m going to write this today. I just came back from the Jobcentre. I usually have my appointments in the afternoon, I don’t know why it was in the morning today.

I have enjoyed reading my novel back. It’s in the ‘It’s so close to being done phase,’ which it been in for months now…procrastination, you know. I have about 5 scenes I still need to write.

 Discovered that writing scenes out on paper first helps. By the time you see this next, I will have at least one scene written on paper unless you see me tomorrow then…doubtful.

12 minutes, see you when I see you.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Morning pages #59 😠

Current mood: Angry, because I was woken up and I didn't have to be. It's not a new thing difference being I wasn't dreaming about anything or at least I didn't remember my dream when I got woken up
10 minutes, see you when I see you.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Morning Pages #58 Wants vs Needs

I’ve been trying to start up these morning pages again. The last one was in…June. Wow, the 10th of June. 2 months…why...I just wasn’t feeling it or I  didn’t wake up in time, one of the two. It’s 11:18 am no nothing because I want to write this down.
Humm, let me see what has happened in 2months…well, that course I was doing is over…what else…um…oh I discovered want vs need lists and I’m obsessed. I recently read or maybe I watched it on YouTube (probably a YouTube video) that you should focus on your wants and not your needs because if you focus on the needs that’s what you’ll be focused on.
Example…I want a man who will love me for who I am waltz and all. I need my crush to be happy. Let’s call a spade a spade I’m truly madly deeply in love with the guy who doesn’t even know my name (he knows my name).
If you’re going to sit at your computer/ laptop/ holding your mobile and say

‘Why didn’t you tell him,’

You obviously don’t know me, which is fine not a lot of people do. I just want my happiness more. I tried one for my future hubby, which I won’t be sharing…Ok, maybe I’ll share one or two. I want someone who makes me laugh. I need someone who is funny.

Same thing,’

It’s not though.
I don’t care if everyone else thinks he’s funny I just need him to make me smile. As appose to the other. Honestly, this list was a little more difficult than the first, deciding what was a want and what was a need. Someone who wants to get married and have kids and is attracted to me (and vice versa) is a want. But is respectful, Empathic, Reliable and Unselfishness want or needs.

24 minutes, see you when I see you hopefully not in another 2 months.

Morning Page #269

 Woke at II: II today from a dream about my future hubby. I think the message was about standing still, and not chasing what I want. Lettin...